What you might have missed!

We are in full swing, and you can find us at the farmers markets this coming weekend – Chico, San Francisco Ferry Plaza, Berkeley, and Marin Civic Center. Come get your fix, the blueberries are lookin’ gooooood!!!

2016 Harvest begins!


We are excited to begin our 2016 harvest this week! The fruit is amazing, having been treated to a really wet and wonderful winter and spring. If we didn’t know better, we’d think we were in Oregon. Everything is lush and beautifully green, the berries are gorgeous and so, so very tasty. And, more than ever, we love where we live. So fortunate to call this beautiful patch of land our home, and looking forward to sharing our bounty with you all!

Countdown to Harvest!!

It’s so close we can taste it (literally, we’ve been tasting and tasting, waiting for just the exact time to start picking – which is SOON)!! And in anticipation, what could you be doing with this time? How about checking out our Blueberries.Blueberries. Pinterest Board!! So many great ideas in one place for that question: What to do with all those blueberries???
Check it out here: https://www.pinterest.com/akamian/blueberries-blueberries/
Stay close – we’ll be kicking it in to high gear this week, and will be seeing you very, very soon!!! xoxo

Attention Beer Enthusiasts!

bottle-boxWe are excited to let you know that Almanac Beer Co.

has released its second Farm to Barrel Farmer’s

Reserve Blueberry sour golden ale, made with

Sierra Cascade organic blueberries!


If you’re in the Chico area, you can find it at

Spike’s Bottle Shop on E. 1st Avenue.

Wedding Time!

Our family had something to celebrate this past weekend, when our son, Ryan married his love, Christelle, and it was a beautiful day, and a good day to hafavorve a good day!!!!  Blueberries were present, in the form of jam for favors.  Late harvest berries from the farm and fresh hops were woven into the floral arrangements.  It was a fantastic wedding, and we are so happy to welcome a wonderful woman to our family!
favorsberries and hops

Hiring for Summer Harvest!

yellow binWe are now taking applications for our summer harvest internship positions. There are three positions available, and these folks will help manage the blueberry harvest crews picking and packing.  If you’d like more information, or would like to be considered for the summer season, please send us an email with your questions, or resume and cover letter.  The season typically begins late May and goes through mid-July, but could possible begin sooner and end later, depending on conditions.  Send emails to: info@sierracascadeblueberries.com

Blueberry Sour Ale is here!

Almanac Beer Co.’s Farmer’s Reserve Blueberry Sour Ale is here!  Sierra Cascade Organic Blueberries have come full circle, back on the farm in the form of a beautiful Sour Ale. Chico locals – you can find the Handlebar serving it up! 

Farmer's Reserve Blueberry Sour Ale

More blueberry goodness!

Blueberry Vinegar



More blueberry goodness in the form of vinegar from the Little Apple Granola folks at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market. Out back in front of the Ghandi statue, they have a fantastic selection of fruit vinegars, including blueberry from yours truly!